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Image by Jannet Serhan


Tarot / Psychic Readings

30 mins $75
60 mins $150


Are you seeking some divine guidance in your life? Finding yourself at a crossroads? A Tarot and/or a Psychic Reading may be able to help and guide you on your journey.

Anj & Shan like to use the Tarot Deck to start your reading but it then often quickly evolves beyond the deck as your spirit team will (sometimes rather rudely haha) take over and pass on the messages they want you to receive. There have been times that the deck hasn't even made it to the table!


A reading is such a fun way to experience your own connection to Spirit/passed loved ones. At times it can be a little overwhelming and emotional but fear not, both Anj & Shan are experienced readers who can gauge your emotions/limitations.

We pride ourselves in providing a loving, safe space for you to relax and enjoy your reading. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, please don't hesitate to speak up (we'll pick up on it anyway) we can stop at anytime.


Also, remember that there are no 'bad' messages, Spirit will only ever communicate messages of LOVE. Sometimes Spirit will give you a truth that may be confronting but it is always for your highest good and done with love.

It's also helpful to know that your reader is not in charge of what comes through, they're relaying messages from Spirit in real time, which can be difficult to do whilst holding a conversation. You can ask questions but please don't treat the readers like a vending machine (asking 20 rapid fire questions and expecting instant results). Although they may be magical, they are still human.

If you have any questions, feel free to come in and have a chat with Anj or Shan.

For all bookings & inquiries, please contact​​​​


Image by Chintya Akemi Keirayuki
My Approach

Energy Healing

60 mins $75


What is an energy healing?


An energetic healing is a beautiful energetic exchange between you and Spirit, facilitated by our practitioners Anj & Shan.


We have a comfy massage table for you to lie back, relax and unwind beneath a comfy blanket, whilst we work our magic.

Your healer will use their unique gift (a connection to Spirit) to communicate with your energetic body (the energy field that surrounds you). Any stuck or stagnant energy is gently encouraged to move on but it is ultimately up to the person receiving the healing to truly address the root cause of the issue and release it.

Your healing session begins at your crown/head and we work our way down to your feet and back up to your head to complete the beautiful healing ceremony.

During our session, intuitive messages often come through from your Guardian Angels & passed loved ones, which we will share with you.


If you'd like to know more about what to expect from an energetic healing, please come and see the space for yourself and have a chat with us.

For all bookings & inquiries, please contact






Spiritual Guidance with Anj

Service Structure:

90-120 mins $200

What is Spiritual Guidance?


Are you a spiritually gifted person? Have you tried various modalities and found that none of them suited you? Maybe you've tried Reiki or Pranic Healing, or you may have even enrolled in classes to help you develop your ability and yet you still feel something is missing.

This is a feeling that I understand very well because this WAS me, for many years.

I have great respect for all of the various healing modalities but I could not find what I was seeking within them and so I finally figured out that I was meant to 'go it alone'. All that I was seeking was inside of me and it took a long time to figure that out.

My purpose in this lifetime is to help others who are like me, wanting to develop their spiritual abilities. I can teach you how to forge your own beautiful connection to Spirit so that you will be able to find your unique path in this incarnation.


In our appointment, I will deep dive into your life and unearth your biggest obstacles and together we will work with Spirit to find your best path forward. I will also teach you two incredibly important spiritual tools, how to use them and how to develop them so that you can further develop your abilities on your own.


After your appointment, you will be armed with incredibly powerful information but it's ultimately up to you how you wish to proceed with it all.


I do not offer 'courses' or teach my own healing methods because they're unique to me and I believe each healer/intuitive has their own unique style that is just waiting to be unearthed inside of them.

My style of guidance isn't for everyone but if you feel that this may be the right fit for you, please don't be afraid to reach out and have a chat with me.


Big love x


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