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Image by Ray Hennessy

Inner Sanctuary

spiritual healing


Our mission is to guide individuals towards inner peace, balance, and self-discovery.

Through our intuitive gifts and compassionate approach, we empower others to connect with their true selves and unlock their highest potential...

but in a way that's not too weird. Oh, and we wear perfume (and deodorant), listen to mainstream music and we don't take anything too seriously (and we definitely don't wear birkenstocks)



Readings (tarot & psychic)
with Shan


Spiritual Guidance
with Anj

About Us

We are Anj and Shan, two cousins.

Our mothers, Kimiora & Marie are sisters and like us, they're both a bit unconventional (to put it in polite terms).

Family values are deeply ingrained in us both. Shan is a mother to six children and three grand daughters,
whilst Anj is a mother to two.


It's fair to say that we're spiritual people
but we're definitely not the stereotypical 'woo woo' type.
No velvet tablecloths, no crystal balls or dimmed lighting.
We drink alcohol, have the occasional sneaky cigarette
and we love to have a laugh!!
We're definitely not perfect but we are just like everyone else,
(except for our superpowers of course).

We embody the playfulness and joy of spirit,
always laughing and acting like two naughty children in the back row of the classroom.


Both of us are fire signs so we definitely know how to have a good time and that's pretty much how we approach everything in life.


Having our own spiritual business is a dream come true for the both of us. Our somewhat tumultuous life journeys have certainly equipped us with plenty of life experience and generosity of heart.

Image by Mo

"You are here because you asked to be. It is the place where you belong and can make a difference for the planet"


The Journey Home
A Kryon Parable: The Story of Michael Thomas and the Seven Angels

© 2024 Inner Sanctuary Spiritual Healing

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